An agile leader is an agile learner
Leaders with agility begin as agile learners.
Agile learners are just-in-time as well as lifespan learners that thrive on change and have the skills and attributes needed to excel in the virtual corporations of the 21st Century. The Four R's of agile learners: Resourceful, Relationships, Resilient, Results. Non-agile leaders: don't think stategically, are arrogant, do not build networks, have relationships issues above and below their positions and with peers. Non-agile learners might be conversant in many topics and have excellent verbal skills, but they might not grasp the relevance of a subject, and their verbal skills could be a substitution or even cover for actually doing something and getting results. Non-agile learners might solicit information about a project or deliverable but could be unable to discern the meaning of the information they get and turn it into meaningful results. Agile learners can generalize but also look for specificity and think in those terms when considering a project or course of action; non-agile learners tend to generalize and might be unable to drill deeper into a subject. Agile learners know how to compare and contrast when presented with choices and different courses of action, non-agile learners might "mingle' the informantion they are given without being able to differentiate good choices from poor ones. Agile learners focus on what needs to be done, and why it's important to get it done. Non-agile learners think in terms of their own tasks and little of what others do; agile learners are aware of their own role in the larger scheme.
(Adapted from
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